from chaos to structure, from structure to freedom

gather your bookmarks, post-its and put-off dreams and bring it all to the table. we’ll sort and strategize to launch your idea into the world


cha·os: (n) disorder and confusion

  • identifying strengths & weakness

  • what’s working & what needs to shift

  • available resources & opportunities



(n) the quality of being organized

  • strategic planning for goals: personal & projects

  • scenario planning for major transitions: navigating difficult decisions & creating your future

  • systems for sustainability: effective tools, apps, & personalized rhythms to propel you forward

free·dom: (n) unrestricted use of something

  • spend more of your time doing the things you were born to do

  • live with less “what ifs” and more “remember whens”

  • turn “someday/maybe/when” dreams into reality

connect with me

if you’ve reached the bottom of the page, you already know what you want to do. don’t hesitate.