make space for gratitude
So far in 2021, I have had the privilege and joy to walk with fifteen beautiful families as they welcomed a new person (or two!) into the world. Incredible!
While I reflect on each unique and sacred experience, I am simultaneously holding space for a mama whose arms are empty today. We welcomed her sweet babe right before the new year, and were able to know his light and joy for only a few short weeks before he closed his eyes for the final time on this side.
As I reflect on all this year has held, I await “the call” from my last two families of the year. Their busy preparations and eager anticipation of the unknown wonder ahead is a balm of hope. It melts into the Grief, softening the callus with Joy, and with the fragrance of Love this Hope nourishes the soul. This balm wraps around our lives, holds our moments and makes space…for gratitude.
It is in this space of deep gratitude, I whisper the names of each little one and their parent(s) today…
May you be well,
May you be at peace,
May you experience love, joy, and hope in the days to come.
It is my deep honor to walk alongside each of you for these brief moments in time. Thanks, thanks, and ever thanks.